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克魯曼戰殭屍 [電子資源] : 洞悉殭屍經濟的本質,揪出政經失能的本源 / 保羅.克魯曼(Paul Krugman)作 ; 吳國卿譯

by 克魯曼 (Krugman, Paul) | 吳國卿 | Krugman, Paul | 聯合線上股份有限公司.

Edition: 初版Material type: Text Text; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 臺北市 : 時報文化, 2021Other title: Economics, politics, and the fight for a better future | 洞悉殭屍經濟的本質,揪出政經失能的本源.Online access: udn讀書館電子書;校外閱讀全文需設定VPN. Availability: No items available :

克魯曼戰殭屍 [電子資源] / 保羅.克魯曼(Paul Krugman)著 ; 吳國卿譯

by 克魯曼 (Krugman, Paul) | 吳國卿 | Krugman, Paul | 凌網科技股份有限公司.

Edition: 初版Material type: Text Text; Format: electronic ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 臺北市 : 時報文化, 2021[民110]Other title: 洞悉殭屍經濟的本質, 揪出政經失能的本源 | 洞悉殭屍經濟的本質揪出政經失能的本源.Online access: HyRead ebook電子書;校外閱讀全文需設定VPN. Availability: No items available :

穿梭時空歲月 / 郭征之著.

by 郭,奕光.

Edition: 初版Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: General; Language: Chinese Publisher: 臺北縣永和市 : 臺北縣中和市 : 瀛舟出版社出版 時報文化總經銷, 2002[民91]Other title: Traveling in time | Traveling in time.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: CL 577.7252 8466 (3).


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