李文 (Levin, Yuval),

大辯論 : 左派與右派的起源 = The great debate : edmund burke, thomas paine, and the birth of right and left / 原文題名之副題名: Edmund burke, thomas paine, and the birth of right and left. 左派與右派的起源 李文(Yuval Levin)作 ; 王小娥, 謝昉譯 - 初版 - 319面 ; 21公分 - 知識叢書 ; 1065. . - 知識叢書 ; 1065. .

參考書目: 面309-319.

9789571376226 NT$400

Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797 --Political and social views.
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809 --Political and social views.

Right and left (Political science)
Political science--Philosophy.

United States--Politics and government.

