劉,春燕 (證券金融交易員及經紀人),

公司治理結構與治理機制研究 : 基於金融危機、股權分置改革的視角 = A study of corporate governance structure and governance nechanisms : based on the perspectives of giobal financial crisis and split-share structure reform / Based on the perspectives of giobal financial crisis and split-share structure reform. 基於金融危機、股權分置改革的視角 A study of corporate governance structure and governance nechanisms : based on the perspectives of giobal financial crisis and split-share structure reform. 劉春燕, 內田交謹著 - 第一版 - 134面 ; 23公分

參考書目: 面109-132.

9789576802737 NT$300



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